Invitation to tender BENEFIT-CN1-SO 2.1-SC 007 ( 08-361/3 )

Invitation to tender BENEFIT-CN1-SO 2.1-SC 007 ( 08-361/3 )

Invitation to tender BENEFIT-CN1-SO 2.1-SC 007 ( 08-361/3 )

-External expert to support the Municipality employees in the coordination and day-to-day management of the project, Bitola

-External expert for the elaboration of 4 financial progress reports and 1 final report , Bitola

A. Instructions to tenderers

A. Contract notice

B. Draft Contract

B. (I) General conditions for service contracts

B. (II) Terms of reference

B. (III) Organisation and methodology

B. (IV) Key experts

B. (V) Budget

Bank account notification form

Legal entity file (individual)

Legal entity file (private companies)

Legal entity file (public bodies)

C. (I) Administrative compliance grid

C. (II) Evaluation grid

D. Tender submission form

D. Declaration of honour and selection criteria